
Monday, January 16, 2006


Dangerous dog laws, what you need to know

What are Dangerous Dog Laws? Dangerous Dog Law is a portion of a county animal ordinance which states and defines specific behaviors of dogs that the county deems to be dangerous to the public.  
Who writes the law?  In our county (Sumter County, FL), the ordinance was written by a committee made up of hunters, breeders, show folks and humane society members. The ordinance was drafted and it was approved by the county lawyer. Then it was submitted to the County Commission for approval.
Can the ordinance and dangerous dog law be changed?  Yes.
How are changes made to the dangerous dog laws?  Laws can be changed literally when nobody is looking. You will see in the fine print of your newspaper when the Commission meets and what topics are on the agenda.  Changes are made at County Commission meetings by the Commissioners.  There is no formal request for public input or opinion. The original Ordinance committee is not even informed of the impending changes. BE ALERT. BE AWARE!
Are all dangerous dog laws the same? No. Every county has their own laws.
What dogs or breeds are considered dangerous?  Some areas have a list of breeds they deem dangerous (this is called Breed Specific Legislation , BLS for short). Some areas will label your dog dangerous only if it engages in a specific behavior that your ordinance lists as dangerous such as growling, attacking or biting a human.
What if my dog is accused of being ‘dangerous’? Judicial proceedings should follow if your dog is accused of being dangerous. You should be allowed a hearing. If your dog is deemed to indeed be ‘dangerous’, you should be entitled to appeal that decision. But understand, there is no jury as we know it in a court case for people. Dogs are not ‘innocent until proven guilty”. Hearings and appear to be very subjective and sentences of the  guilty  can range from muzzling, to secure confinement to euthanasia.
Will my insurance rates be increased if I own a dangerous dog?  In some states and counties a list of dangerous dogs breeds exist and your insurance rates may be affected.
Are these laws specific to the United States?  IMHO, there is a mass hysteria about dangerous dogs spreading throughout the world. Several years ago in Germany, dogs were removed from their homes and killed and dog owners were attacked in the streets.  Many countries have a list of breeds they deem dangerous. There are also such lists in the United States.
Is the ASD considered a dangerous breed? Not in the U.S. However, in Italy the ASD is and in Germany, the Kangal is classified as generally or potentially dangerous and is subject to the regulations of one or more of Germany's states.

The following links will provide more information and food for thought:
How to write a fair dog bite law:

Dog breed restriction in home owners insurance:

Dogs and the law:
